Safety is no accident.
At MN Builders, we take our commitment to safety seriously—in lots of different ways and for lots of different reasons. We believe safety is about more than keeping our people, our partners, and our customers out of harm’s way. Safety is just good business. Done correctly, it forms the backbone of a healthier, more productive crew, a less stressed-out client, and high-quality work and products that stand the tests of climate, use, and time.
Safety is an investment.
Safety has been an ingrained part of MN’s culture since day one. Our millwork division works with lots of different contractors and we’ve been able to observe and apply the best safety practices to our own construction business. We established some of the industry’s strictest safety protocols during the COVID pandemic and we continue to follow the latest CDC and Cal/OSHA recommendations today.
Some of our ongoing safety practices are obvious, like the safety glasses and hard hats you see us wearing on-site. But walk into our shop or onto one of our sites and you’ll see signs of our commitment to safety everywhere, from the condition of our equipment to the orderliness of our sites to our mandatory weekly safety meetings. These measures are designed for everyone—and we make it everyone’s responsibility to make sure they’re followed.

Your peace of mind.
We understand how stressful a construction project can be for some clients, especially homeowners faced with the constant activity and new faces that come with the job. While we go out of our way to minimize MN’s intrusion on your life, we understand it can be unsettling to open your home to strangers.
We strive to eliminate that discomfort, not just with our friendliness and clear channels of communication, but by announcing our arrivals and departures,and sporting our MN apparel—so you and your neighbors always know who we are and why we’re there. Trust is the foundation of all our working relationships, and it's built by dependable, honest people who look after your home and property like they do their own.