We give where we live.
Building a community has no completion date.
At MN Builders, we take great pride in the environments we help create every day because we understand how the perfect blend of form, function, and execution can enhance the lives of our clients, friends, and neighbors.
We’re also proud to support many non-profit organizations around the Bay Area who play an equally vital role in building something even more important: a community we can all call home.

Bay Area Children's Theatre
As a Season Sponsor for many years, we’ve watched with great admiration how this organization brings a professional theatre experience to Bay Area children and their families.

Rebuilding Together
A perfect fit for a construction company, this non-profit organization provides free repair and renovation programs for non-profit and community facilities serving low-income, elderly, and disabled residents.

San Francisco Symphony
Music is not the only thing that carries clearly across water. So does our support to this Bay Area institution in the form of financial contributions, gift store construction, and millwork restoration in the Wattis Room.

Berkeley Rep
Our support for this national leader in vanguard theater productions includes regular financial donations and a new facility build-out.

Oakland Symphony
Longtime sponsor of this nationally recognized organization and MN Builders co-founder Steve Nicholls served for many years on their Board of Directors.

Clausen House
Providing housing, wellness programs, and advocacy for developmentally disabled adults in Oakland and the surrounding East Bay area is no easy chore, but we hope our regular financial support of this vital non-profit help make a difference.

Alameda Food Bank
​MN Builders regularly donates to this organization that serves as a hub of a vast collection and distribution network providing food for 275 non-profit agencies in Alameda County.

Children's Hospital
On two separate occasions, we have provided custom cabinets to this organization that needs no introduction.

The Oakland Rotary Club
MN is a long time supporter of one of the oldest and largest clubs in the nation. Rotary is involved with numerous local community projects, particularly those focused on Oakland pre-kindergarten programs and the homeless crisis, and has a community presence all over the world. Steve Nicholls has served for many years on their board and committees.